Exercise is an essential part of our lives and is crucial to staying physically healthy, but it’s also an important part of maintaining mental wellness. Running is among the most popular forms of exercise (often synonymous with the term), but for many it can be difficult due to the stress that it can put on our muscles and joints. While running can be a great option for some, others may not want or be able to exert that kind of high intensity. So what’s an effective alternative? Walking!
While it doesn’t burn as many calories as running, walking can be sustained for longer periods of time and is a low-impact workout. Walking for just an hour a day can help reduce stress and lose weight. Walking is also a highly adaptable form of exercise and it can be tailored in various ways to fit your needs. For example, if you are looking to burn more calories, try power or speed walking.
Encouragement and community are key to maintaining a fitness routine and a healthy mind. Try talking with friends or family about taking group walks in the mornings or evenings so you can exercise and socialize at the same time! If you prefer to walk on your own, listening to music, a podcast, or an audiobook can help to relax your mind or get you energized.
Getting out of the house or office is a great way to step (literally) away from stress and take some time for yourself. You can walk around your neighborhood or perhaps find a nearby walking trail. San Marcos and Round Rock have many beautiful outdoor walking spaces. Check out the various greenbelts and natural areas to explore in San Marcos and the parks and trails in Round Rock. Though you may not work up a sweat while walking, when doing any outdoor exercise, remember to stay hydrated and to wear sun protection.
Looking for an event to relieve stress and get some steps? We’ve got you covered!
Texas State is committed to being a Stigma-Free campus that supports the mental health needs of its employees. In celebration of World Mental Health Day, the Texas State Wellness team is hosting a 5K run/walk on October 10! It will take place at the San Marcos campus. This event is free and open to the public! To learn more and register for the event, Visit the TXST 5K website.