Health for the Holidays

leaves falling on the ground

November (and cooler weather) is upon us which means the holiday season is quickly approaching!

The holidays can be both an exciting and stressful time of the year. In this month’s WellCats newsletter, we provide some actionable tips and resources to help guide you through the holiday season successfully.

Learn more below!


1. Stress Management

As the holidays approach, it’s important that we take time for ourselves and manage our stress so we can show up as our best selves and enjoy the holidays. Here are some apps to help with managing stress:

Consider writing 2-3 things you are grateful for at the end of each day. Research shows that gratitude and positive thinking can improve our physical health and stress response.

“The stress buffering hypothesis states that upholding positive affect and cognition during episodes of stress may buffer against the physical consequences of stress.”

2. Stay Active

Although family and friends may alter our plans around the holidays, if you have a physical activity or exercise routine, try to stick with it! (Remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup). Move with family and friends! As we start spending more time with our loved ones, we can find activities that allow us to stay active together and have fun. To get you started, here are some local activities to check out:

3. Allow Yourself to Enjoy Holiday Meals

‘Tis the season for social gatherings, delicious food, meals, and holiday treats! Making healthy choices doesn’t mean you have to sit the holidays out! Did you know that moderation and a positive mindset while you eat are all practices that are vitally important for digestive health? Helpful tips:

      • Moderation is key

Smaller portions (one plate instead of multiple plates or ‘seconds’). Enjoy your holiday meals without guilt. Remember that every healthful diet has room for a few treats. Tell guilt to take a hike and stay focused on the bigger picture of healthy lifestyle behaviors.

      • Eating is best done in a relaxed state

The parasympathetic nervous system is most active when we are in a ‘‘rest and digest” state. Our best digestion occurs when this nervous system is dominant over our sympathetic “fight or flight” nervous system. Mindset has a powerful impact on our body’s digestive ability. Research shows that eating in a state of relaxation improves digestive function and digestive health. Consider going on a walk before your meal, practicing staying present, practicing breathing strategies, and slowing down while eating. Research shows that mindset prior to eating can affect the chemical and enzymatic activity in our stomachs and GI tract. This ultimately affects our digestion.

4. Sleep

Sleep is important for our physical and mental health. Lack of sleep not only makes us cranky and lethargic during the day, but in the long term  it can increase mortality rates, risk of cardiovascular disease and increase obesity risk.“A one-hour decrease in sleep below 7 hours is associated with a 6% increase in all-cause mortality, an 11% increase in cardiovascular disease risk, and a 9% increase in obesity risk.

      • Solution: Set a reminder on your phone/electronic device to remind you to get ready for bed and ensure you are getting 7-8 hours of sleep per night.

“This is my wish for you: peace of mind, prosperity through the year, happiness that multiplies, health for you and yours, fun around every corner, energy to chase your dreams, joy to fill your holidays.”

– D. M. Dellinger

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