It’s an ordinary Friday afternoon in Evans Liberal Arts, but some of the faculty have a different take on “casual” today. High-fives circulate to resounding chants of “Flannel Friday!” and “Heck yeah!” It’s unclear whether everyone participated intentionally or not, but smiles and amusement sweep the conference room as faculty gather for their monthly meeting.
Dr. Shelly Wernette, senior lecturer in the Department of Geography & Environmental Studies, explains that the idea was born at a recent get-together organized by the department’s social committee. The idea didn’t spread very far at the time, and she goes on to share that some employees were, in fact, accidental participants. “We’re partly a field-work oriented department, so some faculty have a tendency to wear flannel anyway.” Half the people in the picture were wearing it by coincidence, which made the occurrence all the more amusing.
Playful antics are a typical part of faculty meetings here. The social committee organizes formal get-togethers, but faculty also gather on their own – for lunch, drinks, or even just to chat in the copy room. According to Shelly, it’s been instrumental in nurturing open communication. As a new faculty member, the “open-door culture” made it a lot easier to find support, learn about resources, and get answers to questions. “It’s all supportive and in good fun, but the ability to be open with each other also makes room for people to get really passionate and vocal about important issues.”
Shelly says that this kind of casual, supportive environment has also fostered the development of new ideas. “There has been lots of brainstorming for innovations like joint field trips or new course management strategies during these chats. They can be a place to get encouragement (or other honest feedback) for ideas that I may not be comfortable formally putting forward to a committee without running them by other people first.”
Thanks for sharing another shining example of occupational wellness, TXST Geo! Keep an eye on your calendars, Bobcats. The next “Flannel Friday” may be coming soon!