Single panel comic of a immune cell building a Y-shaped snowman and saying "It's an antibody." The caption reads "Benny, the B cell, had a hard time leaving work at work."

Boosting Your Immune System for a Healthy Holiday Season

As the holiday season approaches and our schedules fill with festivities and cherished traditions, it’s crucial to prioritize the well-being of our immune systems. Your immune system is your body’s best defense against seasonal illnesses, ensuring you can fully enjoy this special time of year. Understanding Your Immune System Your immune system is an intricate […]

A hand holding a camera lens with the text "Pay attention to the things you are naturally drawn to. They are often connected to your path, passion, and purpose in life. Have the courage to follow them." - Ruben Chavez

Discover YOUR Journey

What does it mean to discover your journey? Think about the last time you introduced yourself to someone. When they asked you questions about what you do for a living, or what you are passionate about, were you confident or enthusiastic to describe who you are and what is important to you? Dreams, personal values, […]

Ceramic pot of compostable food scraps

Getting Real About Food Waste

Did you know that as of 2023, it is estimated that 2.5 billion tons of food is wasted every year? The United States outpaces all other countries with respect to food waste, contributing 60 million tons annually. This equates to roughly 160 billion pounds, 40% of which comes directly from waste in the food supply […]


What moves you?

“Burnout is what happens when you try to avoid being human for too long.” -Michael Gungor Do you feel stressed at work? That isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Experiencing some amount of stress is inevitable, and stress can be a good thing when it drives you to meet your daily challenges or goals. That’s right. […]

Blue water bottle sitting on the ground

Water Works

Keep an eye out for our monthly WellCats newsletters as we will highlight important health tips. This month, we will focus on the importance of water consumption, especially with summer being around the corner.  June 21st officially marks the start of summer! Summer months in Texas mean you may find yourself sweating more often during […]

Getting Prepared to Change w/ Dr. Kevin Fall

Why is change so difficult? This is one of the most frequently asked questions I get from clients seeking counseling. It’s a great question and I’m not sure I have the complete answer, but I always wonder why people think it should be easy? We spend our lives trying to create balance and consistency in […]

Flannel Friday!

It’s an ordinary Friday afternoon in Evans Liberal Arts, but some of the faculty have a different take on “casual” today. High-fives circulate to resounding chants of “Flannel Friday!” and “Heck yeah!” It’s unclear whether everyone participated intentionally or not, but smiles and amusement sweep the conference room as faculty gather for their monthly meeting. […]

What’s Cookin’ with WellCats

The delicious smells wafting down the hall at FCS Friday afternoon are really giving people something to taco ‘bout! If you haven’t heard, ProActive Nutrition (PAN) classes are WellCats’ signature cooking classes held right here on campus. What do employees love about PAN? Ask a couple of regulars, Patti Pulis and Kim Burns. “First of […]

An image of soluble vs insoluble fiber foods and their benefits.

Carbohydrates are King

Carbohydrates are found in most of the foods we love, such as potato chips, cookies, and even ice cream. But did you know carbohydrates are also found in fruits, vegetables, beans, and grains? Over the last few decades, diet culture has portrayed carbohydrates as “bad” foods to be avoided as they are processed, sugary, and […]